Our Vision

Tomorrow's leaders have stories...


The government was created to serve the people, and a new wave of politicians is stepping up, but what happens when the people don't truly know who represents them?

Inspired by conversations with young voters, WE ARE NEXT PROJECT was created as a photo project and platform to share the stories of tomorrow's leaders beyond their every day politics.  Those hoping to, and those who have been elected to represent their communities have dreams, fears, and motivations.  It's time for the public to hear these directly from those who have dedicated themselves to being the next group of leaders on the local and national levels say:

WE are next.



Chris Stallworth,

Donec consectetur, odio eget porta varius, orci mauris viverra ante, eget egestas turpis sapien vel orci. 

Donec consectetur, odio eget porta varius, orci mauris viverra ante, eget egestas turpis sapien vel orci.